
While female menopause is considered free of all problems, as experienced during puberty. All they know is is that their ovaries become less active and that they can not get pregnant again. And indeed not many women over forty who still want to have kids. But other women, perhaps most, have trouble.
The problem is that such a bad mood until shake the soul and body is superb, often it's just sheer anxiety and fear of the unknown. these feelings can be soothed by discussing this issue with a physician or psychologist. Perhaps also because it is caused by glands that are not balanced. This can be cured by hormone by a physician.

I believe that women really healthy, physically and mentally assume that the transition will not cause problems. And an undeniable fact that daily diet is balanced and nutritious to give a large contribution to a healthy body and soul. food should contain lots of vitamin B, calcium, iron, beer yeast, wheat, yogurt, all of these can be used and the results are very satisfactory.

For a healthy woman, sexual desire will not disappear with the end of the function of reproduction. Lust can take place continuously without limit. And to adjust to the menopause, she could start a new life satisfying and harmonious. Also, because they are no longer afraid of pregnancy and other problems of menstruation, women's health and well suited are pleased that energy can be freely used for the purposes and activities of other useful.

Men and women often think that all female sex feelings disappear after menopause. They do not realize that women's sexual feelings come from various sources, and not entirely influenced by the decline in ovarian activity. Quite the opposite sex female pleasure can be much larger and more intimate after menopause.

Sex is a spiritual and physical, with a shared love, a sense of gentle and love that brings harmony and improve the health and personality completely. According to statistics on longevity, the elderly who have a happy marriage is the best hope to achieve healthy longevity.

The wrong Sex education, secretly making you overwhelmed with a sense of sin, or the influence of your parents is cruel has created a problem. Negotiate problems openly with your doctor or psychiatrist. Know that thousands of others are also facing the same problem and managed to overcome them. Know that sex is a natural function for women and men.

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