Green Tea For Medicinal Plants

Green Tea Plants For Drugs for Acne Treatment

Green tea has long been useful in traditional Chinese medicine, among others, for the treatment of acne.

The main reason that green tea effective for acne treatment is that green tea is very rich antioksi and especially epigallocatechin gallate with antioksi activity and 200 times stronger than vitamin E in fighting free radicals.

So with lots of green tea, can help cleanse the body of toxins and maintain healthy cell structure.

In addition to fighting bacteria, research shows that green tea can help reduce the redness, inflammation, and hormonal activity. Therefore, green tea may speed healing and help prevent acne, which is often caused by changes in hormonal activity.

For acne treatment, green tea may be drunk, can also be a pill (green tea extract), or in topical cream preparations. In addition, by placing a warm tea bag on acne lesions on the face, can draw out toxins and promote faster healing.

So far, the most popular method is by drinking green tea. But if the intended use of green tea for acne therapy, the required higher doses. For more dramatic results, many regimens recommend as much as 8 glasses of green tea every day to clean skin. Most effective if the tea is freshly made and free sugar. Preservatives and sugar will neutralize many of the benefits of green tea.

As a pill, green tea is similar to vitamins for acne that focus on detoxifying the skin through antioxidants. Weaknesses, this approach does not work as well as green tea drink because nutrients are absorbed more easily when a liquid than a pill.

According to study results presented today by Dr. Jennifer Gan-Wong of the annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology 2003, a topical cream with green tea extract 3% gives the same result with a solution containing 4% benzoyl peroxide.

The study was conducted at random and double blind to the 108 subjects who were divided into 2 groups where one group got a benzoyl peroxide cream 2 times a day for 12 weeks and another group received green tea extract cream 2 times a day for 12 weeks as well. Then performed the examination and taking photographs by a dermatologist every week.

The results showed that green tea cream seemed mempercerah patient's skin color and improve the overall appearance of the patient's face. Green tea therapy might be preferred because of the assumption that consumers of natural products less toxic and have side effects less than other drug products.

Preliminer data showed that green tea extract cream causes fewer side effects than benzoyl peroxide.

Therefore, green tea seems to be effective as a therapy without causing skin dryness and irritation that often occurs generally on the use of benzoyl peroxide.

However, his weakness compared with drinking green tea, topical therapy effects limited to the applied area, and does not include hormonal effects that can help avoid or at least reduce the intensity of the occurrence of acne in the future.
Source: IDI.

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