4 Disease Frequently Wrong Diagnosis

Sometimes, even the best doctors can make mistakes. According to Patient Safety Foundation in the United States, 40 percent of all the mistakes made by doctors are wrong diagnosis. Missed diagnosis of the disease occurs because many diseases have similar symptoms.

Some of the new diagnosis also can be enforced through the results of laboratory tests that your doctor may not have considered. Therefore, it could not hurt to as lay people we are studying several types of diseases that have similar symptoms. Furthermore, you can consult your doctor for a diagnosis of certainty.

1. Symptoms: numbness on one side, headaches, dizziness, sudden blurred vision, disturbed muscle coordination, or disruption to talk.

Diagnosis: Vertigo, migraine, or inner ear disorders.

Possible: Stroke

Studies show that 14 percent of cases of stroke in people aged less than 45 years diagnosed often wrong. When patients are young and look healthy, doctors often think it is a mild disease. Therefore, if you feel the symptoms of a numb body part or a combination of symptoms occurred in a settlement over more than one hour, ask your doctor to conduct further investigation.

2. Symptoms: pain in the face, headache, or sound in the ear plus mendenging back pain, neck, or teeth.

Diagnosis: migraine or sinus problems

Possible: Temporomandibular joint syndrome

Temporomandibular joint that connects the lower jaw to the temporal bone of the skull. This flexible joint allows us to speak, chew, or yawn. CT scan will help to see the detail on joint disorders. For treatment you can consult the oral surgeon.

3. Symptoms: fatigue or shortness of breath plus the pain in the chest.

The diagnosis: stress or panic attacks

Possibility: a heart attack or heart disease.

Signs or symptoms of heart attack is more difficult to recognize in women. Shortness of breath or excessive fatigue may be the only sign to watch. Meet a cardiologist if your doctor does not recommend the appropriate treatment.

4. Symptoms: depressed, fatigue, insomnia, weight gain, muscle stiffness.

Diagnosis: depression

Likelihood: hypothyroid

Doctors often attribute a sense of melancholy which settled with depression. Quite reasonable when the doctor connects hypothyroidism with depression. Because both diseases have similar symptoms. In fact, hypothyroidism is not addressed immediately will improve cholesterol levels and trigger heart attacks. To make sure you do, make thyroid hormone levels in the blood.

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