The Top Anti Aging Food

Many people have differing opinions about which foods are the most effective in assisting with anti aging.  There are several important guidelines to keep in mind with respect to your overall diet, including:

  1. Your daily caloric intake should be within recommended guidelines for your age and activity level.  Eating more calories than you can burn off will ensure that you gain weight, and weight gain is one factor that will increase your physical age.
  2. Avoid, when possible, saturated fats.  There is no requirement for these in your diet at all.
  3. Eat whole grains, as much as you can.  Whole grains provide consistent energy all day long, are high in fiber (helping you to feel full and satisfied) as well as iron and B vitamins.
  4. Reduce the amount of sugar and salt that you eat.
  5. Avoid processed foods.  There is really no nutritional value in most highly processed foods, and the preservatives, additives, coloring, etc. is not good for you at all.
  6. Take a daily vitamin supplement that contains the vitamins and minerals that you require for a healthful life – it is recommended that you cut a daily vitamin in half and take one half in the morning and the other half in the evening.
  7. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables when possible.

Some foods have almost a "magical" quality to them and a direct effect on your health.  Some say that these foods are crucial to anti aging.  Although eating a few of them may not have any noticeable difference, incorporating several of them into your daily routine can have a difference over time.

  • Garlic – garlic can help to protect your body against certain types of cancer and heart disease and is known to reduce cholesterol levels.  If you do not like the taste of garlic, you can take it in capsule form – many vitamin stores sell it in pure form (pills) that has no associated odor.
  • Nuts – nuts are high in fat and they should be eaten sparingly.  The are rich in many minerals, including potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium and iron.  They can boost your immune systems and assist with digestion, as well as controlling cholesterol.
  • Green Tea -  this tea contains a seriously high concentration of many chemicals that are really good for your health.  It is very inexpensive and mild and can be consumed each day as a part of your overall regime (about four cups per day).  This almost magical herbal tea has long been used in Asian countries and attributed to longevity for thousands of years.
  • Beans/Legumes – even if you cannot stand the thought of becoming a vegetarian, increasing the amount of beans/legumes that you consume can improve heart health and the condition of your arteries (increasing blood flow).  A good example would be to consume a meal of chili (containing many types of beans/legumes) and very little meat for a lunch or dinner meal.
  • Chocolate.  Yes, chocolate is good for you, dark chocolate, not milk or white chocolate.  This does not mean you should eat a chocolate bar per day, Chocolate is very high in fat and calories, so you should only be consuming a small square or two each day.
  • Water.  Although it is not technically a "food", water is one of the most important requirements for all of your body's systems.  It hydrates you, keeps your skin moist and pliable and ensures that your digestion system works properly and helps to eliminate toxins and waste from your body.  You need a minimum of eight glasses daily, but more is great, if you can handle it.  You can obtain water from foods such as jello, soup, watermelon, lettuce, etc., but it is much more effective as plain water.
  • Red wine.  Wine is good, in moderation, but red wine contains a chemical called resveratrol which can assist your body in fending off age related illnesses.

Having an overall healthier diet by making small changes to it on a daily basis is the best course of action.  Most people do not take to change well by eliminating all of the bad elements of their diet at one time.  If you work on reducing processed foods to start off with and substituting in some healthier choices, you will come out farther ahead in a short amount of time.(Bethany Jordin)

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