Ginger Treated Ovarian Cancer

Ginger is commonly used in cooking or traditional medicine. But now, ginger is considered to reduce ovarian cancer, the study found.
Ginger or Zingiber officinale frequently used by Asian countries as a material for treating nausea, abdominal pain, overcome some post-surgical disorders and side effects of chemotherapy.

Ginger has also been used to treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, muscle aches and joint pain.
Studies conducted by the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center found that powdered ginger is considered to have temporary side effects, to help reduce ovarian cancer. Cancer that is only experienced by women.
The researchers studied the ginger powder has a positive correlation of ovarian cancer cells when tested in the laboratory. Apparently ginger is dissolved and incorporated into the cell can cause cancer cells to die.

Author and researcher of the study Dr J. Rebecca Liu presents the results of this study is a big leap for ovarian cancer research. So far, most ovarian cancer patients who developed new disease can be treated with chemotherapy.

"If ginger can cause cancer cells to commit suicide, this would avoid the resistance that can be produced from conventional chemotherapy who tortured him, " he hoped.

But experts have so far continued to do research for more valid results, plus the side effects that can be generated ginger such as bloating, heartburn, abdominal bloating and in some cases can cause nausea.

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